I’m a researcher and artist with a background in media and computer science. My work explores the integration of technological development into the fields of art and craft, and vice versa, and social, cultural, technical and aesthetic implications thereof. I am Professor of Design & Technology at the University of Art and Design Linz.

I previously worked with the Ars Electronica Futurelab designing and realizing interactive exhibits and exhibitions, and as a freelancer on design and technology research projects. I have been an artist in residence at the V2_Institute for the Unstable Media Rotterdam (NL), the Eyebeam Art + Technology Center New York (US), the Tactile and Tactical Design Lab, University of Washington (US)at Creative Technologies at Teachers College, Columbia University New York (US) and Ljudmila Art and Science Laboratory, Ljubljana (SI)I co-initiated and was the key researcher of the artistic research project ‘Stitching Worlds’ at the University of Applied Arts Vienna, within the Industrial Design department headed by Fiona Raby. I have been teaching at the University of Art and Design Linz, the department for New Media – Technology – Culture at the University of Klagenfurt and the New Design University in St. Pölten. I have been a researcher and lecturer at the Institute for Design and Assessment of Technology, TU Wien where I obtained a doctoral degree, advised by Geraldine Fitzpatrick (committee: Leah Buechley, Thecla Schiphorst).

My research and practice has been presented internationally at conferences and museums, among them the CHI, DISTEI, ISWC and IDC conferences, the ZKM Karlsruhe (DE)V&A London (UK)Ars Electronica Linz (AT)Loboratore Arte Alameda Mexico City (MX)Biennale International Design St. Etienne (FR)Works Gallery San Jose (US)Istanbul Design Biennial (TR), Bündner Kunstmuseum Chur (CH), Fiskars Village Biennale (FI), DOCK 20 (AT) and the MAK Vienna (AT).

contact: ireneposch(at)gmail.com

Irene Posch, 2023